
Deviantart fag dedicates his
page to The Flying Mouth
Mouth had little to say,
other than "what a
faggot furry".


The Flying Mouth writes an article for
Time Magazine.


The Flying Mouth going
for some ez kills.
The Flying Mouth
schooling noobs.



Your Honor, I didn't fire him because he was
black. I fired him because being black
affected his performance.


Fun Fact: Flyingmouth's mouth
doesn't register as a head shot.


Flying Mouth Develops
Theory For Curing
Cancer; Says "Fuck It."

Yesterday morning, T. F. Mouth developed a foolproof theory for removing cancerous tumors. "It just came naturally. Everything comes naturally when you're pro," Stated Mouth during his Nobel nomination. However, upon discovering the cause of cancer, Mouth decided to abandon the project. "As it turns out, the only real cause for cancer is being a stupid noob. So fuck it, who gives a shit about them?" Many skeptics believe that this was just a "fucking bullshit noob ass faggot excuse". Naturally, said skeptics were quickly pwned, as Mouth unleashed the fucking fury.